3 things to need to know about master’s thesis

So you have decided to tackle a master's thesis. Well good luck but remember that sometimes a little knowledge is a good thing. Here are some tips, some suggestions which might just help you save some time, some energy or even if you're lucky, help you get a much better mark.

Choose the right supervisor

Remember that you are not a freshman at college. If you are writing a master's thesis then you have some educational kudos, some street cred when it comes to the institution. You need the best possible supervisor for the type of student you are and the topic you wish to pursue. You need a supervisor who will certainly challenge you and argue with you over the topic and the approach to the topic but also someone who will be going into bat for you and stand up to any administrators within the college who may oppose what you are trying to do. How do you choose the right supervisor? Well ask around. Ask students who have already completed their master’s thesis and get them to tell you which supervisor they chose and how they got on with their supervisor.

Remember that college thesis supervisors do other things besides looking after a student who is writing a master's thesis. If you choose a supervisor who has a huge workload within and possibly outside the college, it might be to your disadvantage. They might be so busy that they cannot afford a reasonable amount of time to work with you on your thesis. Choose wisely and well.

Choose the right topic

Remember that your master’s thesis is not a 2000 word essay. It is a substantial document. You will not be able to complete your master’s thesis unless the topic you choose has a lot of meat on its bones. Spend time doing extensive research on the proposed topic. Is there a wealth of material about this topic available? Is this powerful material and capable of supporting your arguments within your thesis?

Choose the right attitude

This is a long-term project. This takes endurance as much as ability. Be positive in your approach and be prepared to fight your corner. The thesis grows over a period of time and there will be discussions with your supervisor at regular intervals. Stand up for yourself. Believe in your point of view and be prepared to fight for the decisions you wish to take.
