How to start research paper writing process?

Education is highly treasured nowadays and although there are people out there who will make for perfectly good professionals without higher education (and some famous names include Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg), the truth is that the vast majority of people out there will need a diploma to land on an actual job and make a career out of it. Although education can cost you a lot of money and it will definitely take a lot of your time, you will find out that it was worth it and not so much because of the diploma you will receive, but also about the skills you will gain, the information you will take with you, the interesting things you will learn and the wonderful, inspiring people you will meet.

Out of all the things you have to do in school, writing a research paper may be among the most difficult ones, especially when you do not have much experience with this kind of assignments. Where do you start and how is a research paper done? Read on and find out more about the best tips on how to jump-start your research paper process.

  • Do not postpone it. After years of schooling, you must have learned already that “next week” or the “1st of December” are never accurate and that you will always end up postponing everything at least once more.
  • Do not start researching and writing your paper without a structure (even if it is just in the drafting phase).
  • Do not start researching and writing until your teacher confirms you that the topic you chose is right for that particular class and that it is in concordance with everything that has been taught throughout the semester.
  • Start with a very basic book or academic article and grow from there. Most likely, it will only cover your topic in a general way, but it can give you a very good head start.
  • Never forget about the reference pages of a book. As a matter of fact, your first book or academic article will come with such pages and they can be extremely important when you want to find more material on the topic of your choice.
  • Bear in mind the fact that academic research is a lot like a spider web and that all the books, papers and articles written on the topic of your choice are inter-connected with each other.