How to Make Your Report Stand Out

What is the main difference between an A+ evaluated report and average grade report?

Typically, when students write school reports they include the bare bones criteria for the assignment. This means that they only put in the bare minimum effort and make sure that they have covered the basics: A beginning middle and end with a basic outline, followed by a few supporting details, all laid out neatly. Although, a report that meets the minimum requirements for the assignment may get a decent grade, it won’t be enough to get a high evaluation. This is because most instructors are looking for “something more” from their students. They wish to see students go above and beyond in their report writing endeavors. Papers, which garner high grades usually, stand out amongst the crowd. They have a few extra elements that make the composition just a little bit more impressive. Below, we’ve included a list of tips for making your next report stand out!

Use Unique Examples

If all of your evidence and examples are copied right from the class text, then you probably won’t get a very high grade. Instead, try looking for unique examples from verified resources that make for an interesting argument or defense of the thesis.

Write With Passion

Instructors can always tell when students are just writing about a topic because they have to or because they want to. Students who become engaged by the subject matter and write from a personal and passionate perspective tend to write better reports.

Find A Way To Relate

In order to add that extra element of personalization and strength to the report try to find a way to relate to the assigned subject matter. This will help to give your report meaning.

Add Some New Insights

Being able to report other people’s opinions and cite sources is an important part of the academic learning process. That said, it doesn’t hurt to add your own insights to the composition as well. Formal writing assignments may require that students avoid using “I” statements or personalized antidotes. However, this does not mean that they cannot include original thesis ideas or topic questions to their paper.

Find A Unique Angle

If everyone in your class is writing on the same topic, a paper that introducing and original or unique take on the content will usually stand out amongst the crowd. When doing your research do not copy the most popular opinions. Instead, form your own unique perspective and do your best to find supporting evidence to defend it. This will get you a much better grade.
